Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Carbamazepine for Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Trigeminal neuralgia (TN), also known as tic douloureux, is a distinctive facial pain syndrome that may become recurrent and chronic. 
  • It is characterized by unilateral pain following the sensory distribution of cranial nerve V (typically radiating to the maxillary or mandibular area in 35% of affected patients) and is often accompanied by a brief facial spasm or tic.1
  • The only approved medication by FDA for the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia 
  • Pharmacologic therapy is the initial treatment of most patients with classic TN (ie, TN that is idiopathic or caused by neurovascular compression). 
  • Surgery is reserved for patients who are refractory to medical therapy.
  • Carbamazepine is the best studied treatment for classic TN and is established as effective. 
  • Side effects can be a problem but are generally manageable, particularly if low doses are prescribed initially with gradual titration.2
Ref: Clinical Pharmacokinetics Pharmacy Handbook,2015

Ref: https://www.drugs.com/dosage/carbamazepine.html

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring(TDM)

  • Sampling time: 30 minutes before the next dose.
 Ref: Clinical Pharmacokinetics Protocol. PSD, Sabah State Health Department. 

Ref: Clinical Pharmacokinetics Pharmacy Handbook, 2015

Toxic level
  • Lexicomp: >15mcg/ml
  • Medscape: The toxic concentration/critical laboratory value is greater than 30-40 mg/L

Ref: Clinical Pharmacokinetics Pharmacy Handbook, 2015

  1. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1145144-overview
  2. www.uptodate.com
  3. Clinical Pharmacokinetics Pharmacy Handbook, 2015
  4. https://www.drugs.com/dosage/carbamazepine.html

Friday, October 7, 2016

Interactions: Kalimate

  • Mix the sodium polystyrene sulfonate powder with water, or with honey or jam to make it taste better.
  • Avoid inhaling the oral powder while you are preparing a dose.
  • Do not mix the powder with any juice or other liquid that contains potassium, such as orange juice.
  • The potassium in foods will bind with the resin preventing adequate potassium removal from patients with hyperkalemia.
  • Sodium polystyrene sulfonate can bind to calcium, iron, magnesium, and other minerals in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • This may inactivate both sodium polystyrene sulfonate and the mineral it binds to and reduce the effectiveness of both medications.
  • To avoid or minimize the interaction, the dosing times of sodium polystyrene sulfonate and multivitamin with minerals should be separated by several hours
Antacids & Laxatives
  • alkalosis following concurrent administration of cation-exchange resins and non-absorbable cation-donating antacids and laxatives such as magnesium hydroxide and aluminium carbonate.
  • Intestinal obstruction due to concretions of aluminium hydroxide has been reported when aluminium hydroxide has been combined with the resin (sodium form).
  • Management: Monitor for signs/symptoms of intestinal obstruction with concomitant use of calcium polystyrene sulfonate and aluminum hydroxide.
  • Adequate fluid intake, laxative use, alternative antacid agents, and/or limiting duration of therapy may help reduce risks
  • Concomitant use of Sorbitol with calcium polystyrene sulfonate is not recommended due to cases of intestinal necrosis and other serious gastrointestinal adverse reactions, which may be fatal
  1. Resonium Information Leaflet
  2. https://www.drugs.com/food-interactions/sodium-polystyrene-sulfonate.html?professional=1
  3. https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/6739