Thursday, January 15, 2015

Factor VIII Indications & Dosing for adults

The hemophilic conditions are a group of related inherited bleeding disorders and include abnormalities of coagulation factors as well as platelet function

General Dosing Recommendation:

Minor hemorrhage
~20% to 40%
·      10-20 units/kg as a single dose
·      Mild superficial or early hemorrhages may respond to a single dose;
·      may repeat dose every 12-24 hours for 1-3 days until bleeding is resolved or healing achieved
Moderate hemorrhage/minor surgery
30% to 50%
·      15-25 units/kg
·      If needed, may continue with a maintenance dose of 10-15 units/kg every 8-12 hours.
Major to life-threatening hemorrhage
80% to 100%
·      Initial dose 40-50 units/kg
·      followed by a maintenance dose of 20-25 units/kg every 8-12 hours until threat is resolved
Major surgery
100% before surgery
·      50 units/kg given preoperatively
·      May repeat as necessary after 6-12 hours initially and for a total of 10-14 days until healing is complete.
·      Intensity of therapy may depend on type of surgery and postoperative regime
Bleeding prophylaxis

·      May be administered on a regular basis for bleeding prophylaxis.
·      Doses of 24-40 units/kg 3 times/week have been reported in patients with severe hemophilia to prevent joint bleeding
 Dosage based on desired factor VIII increase (%):

To calculate dosage needed based on desired factor VIII increase (%):

Body weight (kg) x 0.5 units/kg x desired factor VIII increase (%) = units factor VIII required

For example:

50 kg x 0.5 units/kg x 30 (% increase) = 750 units factor VIII 

Dosage based on expected factor VIII increase (%):

It is also possible to calculate the expected % factor VIII increase:

(# units administered x 2%/units/kg) divided by body weight (kg) = expected % factor VIII increase

For example:

(1400 units x 2%/units/kg) divided by 70 kg = 40%

2. lexicomp

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