Monday, April 13, 2015

Calcitriol vs Alfacalcidol

·         Established postmenopausal osteoporosis
·         Renal osteodystrophy in patients on haemodialysis
·         Hypoparathyroidism and rickets
·         Secondary hyperparathyroidism in renal failure
·         Rena osteodystrophy in patients on haemodialysis
·         Hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism
·         Adjunct to the management of tertiary hyperparathyroidism
·         Rickets and osteomalacia
·         Osteoporosis
·         0.25 mcg BD daily
·         Initial dose 0.25 mcg. In patient with normal or only slightly reduced serum calcium levels, doses of 0.25 mcg EOD is sufficient
·         0.25 mcg/day given in the morning
·         Adult and child ≥3yo: initially 0.25 mcg/ml. child <3yo: 10-15 ng/kg/day
Initial dose adult and child above 20kg BW: 1 mcg daily; child under 20kg BW: 0.05 mcg/kg/day. Maintenance dose: 0.25-2 mcg daily
·         Immediate binding to small intestine receptors after oral intake absorption
·         Presence of plasma peaks, which increases risk of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria
·         Undergo activation in liver first by 25-hydroxylation (prodrug) after oral intake absorption
·         Balanced plasma curve of calcitriol lowers the risk of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria
·         Additional activation in bone tissue
·         Rapidly absorbed from intestine and reach peak serum concentrations within 3 to 6 hours
·         99.9% bound by alpha-globulin vitamin D binding protein in blood
·         Two pathways of metabolism: 24-hydroxylase in kidney to calcitroic acid and stepwise hydroxylation of carbon-26 and carbon-23 to lactone metabolite
·         Excreted primarily via faeces. Enterohepatic recycling and biliiary excretion also occurs.
·         Onset of action: 6 hours. Peak serum concentrations reach within 12 hours for PO, 4 hours for IV.
·         Bind extensively to vitamin D binding protein
·         Undergoes rapid hepatic conversion to 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D, the vitamin D metabolite which acts as a regulator of calcium and phosphate metabolism
·         Excreted mainly in bile and faeces, small amounts in urine


  1. MyBlueBook App.
  2. Leo Pharma. Ask Your Question Osteoporosis.
  3. Roxane Laboratories. Calcitriol Capsules.
  4. EMC. Alfacalcidol 0.25microgram Capsules.

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