Monday, May 18, 2015

How to differentiate between an AE, ADR, SE and an allergy reaction?

Adverse event (AE)

  • defined as an unexpected reaction that may be present during treatment with a pharmaceutical product; not necessarily is associated as a cause of this treatment.
  • Example: an elderly patient falls due to the sedating drug he is taking.

Adverse drug reaction (ADR)

  • happens when a patient using a pharmaceutical product at a normal dose for prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment or for the modification of physiological function encounters an unintended, noxious response.
  • All ADRs are harmful and can be assumed as AE but not vice versa.

Side Effects

  • an unintended response related to the pharmacological properties of the drug; of helpful or harmful in nature when a patient using a pharmaceutical product at a normal dose for prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment or for the modification of physiological function

Allergy Reaction

  • the body equips itself with an immunological response to a 'foreign' or perceived foreign materials.
  • Allergic reactions can be included as an ADR but not all ADRs can be said to be allergic reactions.

1. NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc. Adverse effect reporting. NSW Ministry of Health. 2013. Available from:

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