Monday, June 29, 2015

Dosing of polymyxin B in Haemodialysis

Availability: Colomycin/ Colistimethate sodium 1-2 million IU
Dose Conversion
  • 1 mg colistin BASE activity (CBA) = 2.4 mg colistimethate sodium 
  • 1 mg colistin BASE activity (CBA) = 30,000 IU 
  • 1 mg colistimethate sodium (CMS) = 12,500 IU
Dosing Considerations:
  • Best practices for colistin dosing are unclear
  • Dosing of colistin in hemodialysis patients has varied in published reports
  • manufacturer does not provide dosing recommendations for hemodialysis patients or for peritoneal dialysis patients
  • intermittent hemodialysis removed a significant quantity of colistin and colistimethate
Dosing Recommendations: 

  • High-dose CBA (optimizes the concentration-dependent bactericidal activity). 
  • loading dose is included to ensure that therapeutic concentrations are rapidly achieved. 
  • In the absence of a loading dose, it may take 48 hours before colistin concentrations exceed the bacterial minimum inhibitory concentration


  • Maintenance dose and dosing interval should be based on the renal dosing protocol
  • A load of 2.5 mg/kg IV q12h x2doses should be given to all patients with a creatinine clearance (CrCl) of <= 40 ml/min (the loading doses are not renally adjusted)
  • Subsequent maintenances doses should begin 24 hours after the first loading dose
  • In pediatric patients use 1.5 mg/kg/day divided q12h
CrCl >40: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 20-40: 75% of total daily dose IV divided q12h
CrCl 10-19: 50% of total daily dose IV divided q12h
CrCl <10, intermittent hemodialysis, or peritoneal dialysis: 50 mg IV q12h. Administered after dialysis on dialysis days

Loading dose 

  • (LD, All patient categories) LD of CBA (mg) =5.0 x body wt (kg) 
  • Use the lower of ideal or actual body wt (kg) 
  • Not to exceed 300mg 

Maintenance dose: 

  • 1 st dose should be given 24 hours after LD 
  • Not on renal replacement therapy: Daily dose of CBA (mg) = 2.5 x (1.5xCrcl+30)
  • Dosing interval adjusted based on CrCl (ml/min/1.73m2): 
  • CrCl70ml/min/1.73m2 = q8h 
Intermittent hemodialysis: 
  • None HD day- Daily dose of CBA = 75mg; given as 37.5 mg q 12h 
  • On days when dialysis is given an additional 30% of the daily maintenance dose is given after HD [exm: 1 st dose = 37.5mg. Second dose (12 hours later) = 60 mg ]
  • Daily dose =480mg; give as 160 mg q 8 h.

4. Medscape

  •  intravenous dosages of CMS are 2–3 mg/kg after each hemodialysis treatment


  • Based on available guides, do suggest to use a BD dosing to achieve therapeutic level
  • (case report:  patient received 2 million units of colistimethate every 12 hours, and received hemodialysis on a daily basis. Patient achieved close to the MIC breakpoint of 2 mg/L)
  • As most recommendations are at a lower dosing, would suggest for initiation at 1-1.5 million Unit BD rather than 2 million unit. 



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