Friday, July 24, 2015

Calcium Gluconate dosing for hypocalcemia in Pediatrics

Calcium Gluconate 10% / 10ml
1ml = 8.9 mg of calcium
1g of Calcium gluconate salt = 93mg of elemental calcium
1ml = 0.22 mmol

1) Dosing:
  • For hypocalcemia (dose depends on clinical condition and serum calcium level)


0.5 ml/kg  (10% calcium gluconate) (Max: 20 ml)
4.45 mg/kg (in elemental calcium) (Max: 178 mg)

4.65 mg/kg to 11.6 mg/kg (dosing in elemental calcium)

BNF for Children

For Fast correction
0.5 ml/kg  (10% calcium gluconate) (Max: 20 ml) via slow infusion over 5-10 mins

For Maintenance
4.5 ml/kg over 24 hrs

2) Administration:
  • Oral
Administer with plenty of fluids with or following meals. The 10% calcium gluconate injection may be administered orally in young pediatrics.

  • IV
It is usually administered slowly; not exceeding 200mg/min except in emergency situations through a small needle into a large vein in order to avoid too rapid increase in the serum calcium and extravasation. It is recommended that Calcium Gluconate injection be diluted with either 0.9%NaCl, 5% Glucose in Water, Lactate Ringers Injection or 5% glucose in 0.9%NaCl when intended to be administered as an IV infusion.

  2. Frankshaan 16th Edition 2014
  3. Lexicomp
  4. BNF For Children 2014

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