Friday, July 31, 2015

Dosing and Administration of P-trovite I.V Injection

Ampoule 1 each 5ml contains:
Thiamine HCl BP (Vit B1) 250mg
Pyridoxine HCl (Vit B6) 50mg
Riboflavine (Vit B2) 4mg
Ampoule 2 each 5ml contains:
Dexpanthenol 5mg
Dextrose (anhydrous) BP 1000mg
Nicotinamide BP 160mg
Ascorbic Acid as Sodium Salt 500mg

  • For Acute Conditions: 1 pair IV Ampoules BD for 2-3 days followed by 1 pair IV Ampoules daily for 5-7days
  • For Less Serious cases: 1 pair IV Ampoules OD for 3-7 days

  • Children <6years old: One tenth to one quarter adult dose
  • Children 6 – 14 years: One third to two third adult dose
  • 14 years and above: Dosing as adults

  • P-trovite is suitable for intravenous administration. 
  • The content of each pair of ampoules (No 1 and No 2) should be mixed prior to injection. 
  • Although compatible with commonly used intravenous solution it is recommended that P-trovite is diluted with 50ml to 100ml of either normal saline or 5% glucose solution 
  • Given over a period of 30 minutes by slow injection. 

  1. P-trovite IV Injection Product Leaflet
  2. Pabrinex Intravenous Package Leaflet
  3. MyBlueBook


  1. Can parentrovite be given mixed into TPN bag?

    1. hi Zul, sorry for the extremely late reply.

      based on the answer to customer query from CCMP (7th may 2010), P-Trovite can be mixed and administered with TPN products.

      however, you may need to counter check with the stability of the current TPN bags in market as many newer products are available. from our professional opinion, you need to always request the specific information from both the TPN provider and CCM regarding the stability, as there are no available data or studies to support, based on every type of TPN bags.

      will update the protocol once i have received further clarifications from the company

  2. hi why p-trovite need to avoid from light


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