Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Reconstitution of Meningococcal Vaccine

Available Product: MENCEVAX ACWY Meningococcal vaccine (Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Groups, A, C, Y and W-135 combined) (10doses)

Primary Immunization:
  • For both adults and children, vaccine is administered subcutaneously as a single 0.5 ml dose. 
  • The vaccine can be given at the same time as other immunizations, if needed.
  • Protective antibody levels may be achieved within 10-14 days after vaccination.

  • Revaccination may be indicated for individuals at high risk of infection, particularly children who were first immunized under 4 years of age; such children should be considered for revaccination after 2 or 3 years if they remain at high risk.


  1. The diluent is sterile pyrogen-free distilled water
  2. Draw the volume of diluent shown on the diluent label (6ml) into a suitable size syringe and inject into the vial containting the vaccine.
  3. Shake vial until the vaccine is dissolved.
  4. The vaccine when reconstituted is a clear colorless liquid. 
  5. After reconstitution with diluent as indicated on the label, each 0.5 ml dose contains 50 mcg of "isolated product" from each of Groups A, C, Y and W-135
  6. Administer the vaccine subcutaneously.
  7. The immunizing dose is a single injection of 0.5 ml given subcutaneously.
  • Store freeze-dried vaccine and reconstituted vaccine, when not in use between 2° - 8°C (35° - 45°F).
  • Discard remainder of multidose vials of vaccine within 5 days after reconstitution.
Adverse reaction:
  • Adverse reactions to meningococcal vaccine are mild and infrequent, consisiting of localized erythema lasting 1-2 days. Others include fever, malaise or headache.
  • Up to 2% of young children develop fever transiently after vaccination.
  • As with the administration of any vaccine, one should expect possible hypersensitivity reactions.

  3. Mencevax ACYW Product Leaflet
  4. MyBlueBook

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