Friday, September 18, 2015


  • also known as fungal otitis externa 
  • fungal infection of the external auditory canal and its associated complications, sometimes involving the middle ear
  • extensive and sometimes unnecessary use of antibiotic ear drops for the treatment of otitis media and otitis externa has been linked to the important increase in the prevalence of otomycosis.


  •  mainstay of therapy for otomycosis is meticulous cleaning of the ear canal and topical antifungal therapy
  • Clotrimazole has the greatest zone of inhibition for common fungi
  • appears to be one of the most effective agents for the management of otomycosis, with a reported rate of effectiveness that varies from 95% to 100% in most studies
  • clotrimazole 1% solution, applied twice daily for 10 to 14 days, and then reassess the ear canal. If fungal elements are identified, the ear canal should again be meticulously cleaned and undergo a further 10 to 14 day course of topical antifungal with reassessment thereafter
  • Oral antifungals may be used in refractory cases. Intravenous antifungals are reserved for patients suspected of having invasive otomycosis


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