Friday, December 18, 2015

Opiod Dose Conversion

CPG: Management of Cancer Pain

Morphine to Fentanyl Patch Coversion
 Cancer Pain- Adult: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • this table should NOT be used to convert from TDF to other therapies because this conversion to TDFis conservative. 
  • Use of this table for conversion to other analgesic therapies can overestimate the dose of the new agent.
  • To convert patients to another opioid, remove the transdermal fentanyl patch and titrate the dose of the new analgesic based upon the patient's report of pain until adequate analgesia has been attained. 
  • Upon system removal, 17 hours or more are required for a 50% decrease in serum fentanyl concentrations. 
  • Must prescribe short-acting opioid for breakthrough pain

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