Thursday, January 14, 2016

Prednisolone dosing for CT scan

Source of Dosing Regimens
Dosing Regimens
Department of Radiology & Imaging, Yale School of Medicine
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre
Geisel School of Medicine, Department of Radiology
50mg Prednisone PO 13, 7 and 1 hour before the injection.
50mg Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) IV/PO within 1 hour of the injection. 

South Jersey Hospital System
40mg Prednisone PO 12 hours before and 2-4hrs before
Methylprednisolone 32mg tab PO at 12 hours and 2 hours before
ESUR Guideline
Prednisolone 30mg PO given 12 hours and 2 hours before contrast medium
Different dosing regimens used by the radiology department across the world.

Procedures before CT Scan (Radiology Department HKGU)
  • For morning procedure, needed to fast 6 hours before the scan. For afternoon procedure, patient is allowed to take breakfast in the morning and fast afterward until the scan.
  • Steroid is indicated in high risk patient (those who have allergies to seafood, those who are asthatic, CVD patients)
  • Dosing regimen recommended for adult:
    • T. Prednisolone 40mg – 12 hours before Contrast Media injection
    • T. Prednisolone 40mg – 2 hours before Contrast Media injection
Dietary Advice
  •  Low carbohydrate diet. Foods that can be eaten include: meat, hard cheese, tofu, eggs, butter and vegetables with no starch.
  •  Some foods that are NOT allowed include: cereal, pasta, milk, breads and other sugars
  • 6 hours before scan - DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING OTHER THAN WATER. No fruit juices, coffee, tea.
  • No limit on amount of water you can drink

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