Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Digoxin: Hyper or Hypo Kalaemia

  • cardiac glycoside manufactured and derived from the Foxglove plant.
  • It inhibits the Sodium-Potassium ATPase, similarly known as the Sodium-Potassium Pump.
  • Sodium and Potassium are moved across the cell membrane via active transport.
  • inhibits this action, thereby inhibiting the electrical impulses in the atrioventricular node in the upper portion of the heart.
  • In turn, the medication is utilized to control the rate in RVR (Rapid Ventricular Rate) Atrial Fibrillation, most commonly
  • decreases the use of K+ ions in the sodium-potassium pump by decreasing the NA-K ATPase activity. This reduction leads to a build-up of potassium in the body.
  • Dehydration and various illnesses often are also contributing factors to the change to K+ levels and hyperkalemia.
  • Creatinine, urine K+, and Osmolarity labs would be the first step in determination of the reason for the hyperkalemia.
  • Not caused by Digoxin
  • most frequently caused prior to the digoxin toxicity and is many times a key element to causing the digoxin toxicity.
  • patient has an underlying need for K+ secondary to a reduction of intake and or excess excretion.
  • Diuretics commonly used in associated illnesses such as the first-line treatment of HTN (hypertension) & CHF (congestive heart failure), will result in increased secretion of K+ through the renal system (kidneys).
  • This reduction of K+ from the diuretic will enhance and speed the toxic serum levels of the digitalis/digoxin
Mechanism of Toxicity in Hypokalaemia
  • In hypokalemia the original concerntration of K across the membrane get decreased thereby decreasing the Resting Membrane Potential which deteremines refractiveness of the cell and the cell itself becomes more responsive to slight ionic changes.
  • digoxin delays the K influx in the cardiac muscle rendering it more excitable to AP thus causing extrasystoles or Premature beats which are due to enhanced presence of calcium inside the cells
  1. American Academy of Family Physicians On-Line Journal Reference(s); National Institute of Health On-Line Library: Case Studies.
  3. Mechanisms, manifestations, and management of digoxin toxicity

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