Friday, July 1, 2016

Topical preparation containing antibiotic

Antimicrobial coverage & uses
  •         inhibits bacterial protein synthesis
  •           targets primarily Gram-positive organisms; S aureus (most MRSA) & most streptococci.
  • Many Gram-negative pathogens, including enteric bacilli and other enterococci = not affected
  • common use:
    • localized impetigo due to S aureus & Streptococcus pyogenes
    •  eradication of nasal colonization with S. aureus
  •  interferes with bacterial protein synthesis.
  • common use:
  • treat infections by aerobic Gram-positive & Gram-negative bacilli (S aureus[Gram-positive] and E coli)
    • prevent infection in superficial abrasions, cuts, and burns.
Fusidic acid
  • active against: Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci (in topical concentrations), corynebacteria, & clostridia
  •  treat primary skin infections: impetigo contagiosa & erythrasma
  • treat secondary skin infections: infected wounds & burns

*Topical mupirocin should be reserved for treating patients with localised mild skin infections (impetigo or infected eczema), that are resistant to fusidic acid and have sensitivity to mupirocin.
** Blue book indication for Mupirocin 2% Ointment: For MRSA infections only

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