Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ketoprofen Patch: Safety in Children

  • Oral ketoprofen is effective and well tolerated in children for the control of post-surgical pain and for the control of pain and fever in inflammatory conditions.1
  • From BNF for children there is no data showed for the ketoprofen used in children
  • From Frank Shann Drug Doses, the dose of Ketoprofen for paediatrics is 1-2mg/kg (max 4mg/kg or 200mg in 24hr).
Manufacturer’s recommendation
  • From the product leaflet of keplat 20mg medicated patch, it is not recommended for the patient age below than 12 years old.3
  • From the product leaflet Kefentech 30mg Plaster (used in HKGU), it is not recommended since the safety for children has not been established yet.
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic of ketoprofen patch
  • From the pharmacokinetic data, the total systemic bioavailability of ketoprofen 100 mg administered via a patch is no more than 10% of that reported for ketoprofen 100 mg administered orally.2
  • By using extrapolation, children seems reasonable to be given the patch based on several factors:4
  • the pharmacodynamic response to most medications including local anesthetics, opioids, and NSAIDs are substantially mature by the age of 2 years,
  • the degree of systemic absorption of these topical medications is low
  • local skin effects  for the most part of body is minimal and short-lived
  5. BNF for children
  6. Frank Shann Drug Doses

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