Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tramadol : Cardiovascular Side Effects

  • There have been several reported cases of patient who are receiving Tramadol and develop hypotension. 
  • Several references did mention the development of hypotension as side effect of administration of tramadol but it categories as rarely occurrence.
  • Overdose of Tramadol also may cause patient to develop hypotension such as in underweight patient or error in administration. This factor need to be rule out first.
Insert leaflet of Tramal Injection
  • Uncommon effects include disorders of cardiovascular regulation (e.g. palpitation, tachycardia, postural hypotension up to cardiovascular collapse), further, retching and gastrointestinal irritation, or dermal reactions (e.g. pruritus, rash or urticaria).
Insert Leaflet of ULTRAM
Insert Leaflet Trama Injection

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