Thursday, June 15, 2017

IM Dicofenac : can it be given as IV?

  • Injection Diclofenac Injection 75mg/3ml (Dicloran)
Route of administration
  • Based on product information, mode of administration specified is Intramuscular
  • No information on administration via other routes
Administration via Intravenous Route
  • There are several products available that can be given as IV
  • However these products are specifically made for such routes / should not be interchanged
  • Complications of wrong administration
  • Not much information on effect and management of IM injection administered as IV
  • Based on several case reports of administration intravenously into arterial route, symptoms seen are gangrene and burning sensations.
  • Vasospasm, intravascular thrombosis, chemical endoarteritis are the proposed pathophysiological mechanism
  • Intravenous drug administration has been associated with the occurrence of Thrombophlebitis
  • Rare adverse events (based on IV diclofenac): cannula site reaction, infusion site discomfort or burning, injection site stinging, or pyrexia
Contraindications for IV Route
  • Concomitant NSAID or anticoagulant use (including low dose heparin).
  • History of haemorrhagic diathesis, a history of confirmed or suspected cerebrovascular bleeding.
  • Operations associated with a high risk of haemorrhage.
  • A history of asthma.
  • Moderate or severe renal impairment (serum creatinine >160μmol/l).
  • Hypovolaemia or dehydration from any cause

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