Thursday, December 6, 2018

Dose of Hydrocortisone for Acute Allergy / Severe Acute Asthma in Paediatric Patients

Most allergies involve the release of histamine and other pro-inflammatory substances (substances that produce inflammation)

Dosage Recommended
BNFC 2018-19
Acute hypersensitivity reactions | Angioedema
By IM / IV injection
·  Child 1-5 months: Initially 25 mg TDS, adjusted according to response
·  Child 6 months - 5 years: Initially 50 mg TDS, adjusted according to response
·  Child 6-11 years: Initially 100 mg TDS, adjusted according to response
·  Child 12-17 years: Initially 200 mg TDS, adjusted according to response

Severe acute asthma | Life-threatening acute asthma
By IV injection

1 month – 1 year
4 mg/kg (max. 25 mg per dose) q6h, alternatively 25 mg q6h
until conversion to oral predni-solone is possible
2 – 4 years
4 mg/kg (max. 50 mg per dose) q6h, alternatively 50 mg q6h
5 – 11 years
4 mg/kg (max. 100 mg per dose) q6h, alternatively 100 mg q6h
12 – 17 years
4 mg/kg (max. 100 mg per dose) q6h, alternatively 100 mg q6h

Paediatric Formulary apps

[Guy’s and St. Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust]
Asthma, acute adrenal insufficiency and emergencies
By IM / IV injection
§ Neonates: 2.5 mg/kg bolus, then 2.5 mg/kg q6h
§ All others: 4 mg/kg q6h

Doses may need to be increased depending on the condition being treated and the patient’s response


Up to 2 years
2 mg/kg (max. 25 mg)
3-4 times a day
2-5 years
50 mg
3-4 times a day
Over 5 years
100 mg
3-4 times a day

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