Monday, March 16, 2015

Treatment dosage of Etoricoxib

Safety and effectiveness of etoricoxib in children have not been established.

Adults and Elderly:
  • Osteoarthritis: The recommended dose is 30mg or 60mg once daily. ( 60mg daily)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: The recommended dose is 90mg once daily. (90mg daily)
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis: The recommended dose is 90mg once daily. ( 90mg daily)
  • Acute Gouty Arthritis The recommended dose is 120 mg once daily. (120mg daily)
Should be used only for the acute symptomatic period, limited to a maximum of 8 days treatment. 

  • Acute Pain: The recommended dose is 120mg once daily. ( 120mg daily)
  • Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: The recommended dose is 60mg once daily
  • Dental Pain: The recommended dose is 90 mg once daily. ( 90mg daily)
  • Post operative acute dental surgery pain: Should not exceed 90 mg daily (maximum of 3 days)
Should be used only for the acute symptomatic period, limited to a maximum of 8 days treatment. 

Renal effects:

  • Not recommended in patients with advanced renal disease (CrCl<30 mL/min), No dosage adjustment is needed for CrCl30mL/min.

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