Tuesday, June 16, 2015

what is Copastin?

Copastin = Cloperastine HCl 10mg
within MOH Blue Book

  • non-narcotic antitussive agent which suppresses unproductive cough. 
  • works by suppressing the cough reflex by direct effect on the cough centre in the brain. 
  • exhibits the combination of a strong central antitussive effect, papaverine-like action (for treatment of heart and brain spasm) and mild antihistaminic action. 


  • 10-20mg TDS

Side Effects

  • severe drowsiness, depression, confusion, tiredness and nausea


  • only to be used in pregnant and nursing women when clearly needed
  • Extra caution needs to be taken when used in conditions characterized by production of bronchial secretions, such as cystic fibrosis (a genetic disorder disease that affecting the exocrine glands) as these may result in sputum retention and the development of pneumonia (inflammatory conditions of lungs).
Rationale for recommendations
  •  Its activity appears to be rapid and the drug contributes to improvement in the clinical picture and well-being of patients, as well as improvement in night-time sleep
  • it has good tolerability
  • can be used in a wide selection of the population (children, adolescents, and adults)
  • free of narcotic activity and does not depress the respiratory center
  •  has significant therapeutic activity against cough due to various pathologies, causing no respiratory depression and not interfering with protective mucociliary mechanisms
1. http://online1.mimsgateway.com.my/
2. Product Information Leaflet

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