Friday, July 29, 2016

Magnesium Trisilicate: Children & Pregnancy

Syrup Magnesium Trisilicate: 
  • Mg Carbonate Light / Mg Trisilicate / Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate – all at 250mg/5ml
Tablet Magnesium Trisilicate: 
  • Mg Trisilicate 250mg, Dried Aluminium Hydroxide 120mg
  • Antacids are appropriate for short-term relief of heartburn in older children, adolescents, or adults with infrequent symptoms (less than once a week). 
  • The efficacy and safety of antacids have not been well-studied, and chronic use is generally not recommended, especially in infants due to potential complications such as hypophosphatemic rickets
o    5-12 years: 5-10ml with water, TDS or as required
o    12-18 years: 10-20ml with water, TDS or as required
o    CHILD over 6 years: 1 tablet to be taken 3-4 times a day
Pregnancy & Lactation 
  • Only limited data exist concerning the effects of antacids on the fetus with no controlled trials of efficacy. 
  • Magnesium-, aluminium-, or calcium-containing antacids are not teratogeneic in animal studies although 15-30% of magnesium and a smaller percentage of aluminium preparations are absorbed after reacting with hydrochloric acid. 
  • analysis of individual antacids (aluminium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium trisilicate and calcium carbonate) found no association with increased congenital anomalies. 
  •  A recent European consensus conference recommended calcium/magnesium-based antacids for pregnant women because of their safety profile 
  • Antacids should be taken at a different time than supplemental iron, because normal gastric acid facilitates the absorption of iron.

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