Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Phenytoin : Timing of Maintenance Dose

Loading Dose
IV Loading
  • Loading dose: 20 mg/kg at a maximum rate of 50 mg/minute; if necessary, may give an additional dose of 5 to 10 mg/kg 10 minutes after the loading dose (NCS [Brophy 2012]) [Neurocritical Care Society recommendation for status epilepticus -adult/children]
Oral loading:
  • Give in 3 to 4 divided doses at q2h intervals.
  • Divided doses increase bioavailability as well as decrease potential for GI side effects such as N&V
  •  The maximum single oral dose should not exceed 400 mg in order to minimize GI side effects and also increase absorption (decrease likelihood of concretions)
Timing of Maintenance Dose
  • Half-life: 7 to 42 hours (average = 24 hours)
  • The maintenance dose is started 18-24 hours after the loading dose
  • Phenytoin can be administered at 12 hours when the 2-hour level is satisfactory or earlier when the 2-hour level indicates that a subtherapeutic level will occur
  •  2 to 4 mg/kg every 12 hrs, commencing 12 hours after the loading dose ( South Australian Neonatal Medication Guidelines)
  • Maintenance intravenous phenytoin therapy of 3-5mg/kg/day three times per day should be commenced 12 – 24 hours after loading dose (NHS Tayside).
  5.  phenytoin. South Australian Maternal & Neonatal Clinical Network.
  7. NHS Tayside . Phenytoin Prescribing and Monitoring Guideline

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