Thursday, April 9, 2020

COVID-19 Medications: Suggested Dose Adjustment in Renal Impairment (Adults)

Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg Tablet (Plaquenil)
Normal maintenance dose: 200 mg BD
GFR (mL/min)
Dose Suggested
Lexicomp Apps
* No dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer’s labeling
* Dosage reduction may be needed
* Use with caution
The Renal Drug Reference Guide (2008)
Max 75%
With careful blood and opthalmolo-gical assessment for extended therapy
Avoid / Max 50%
200 mg OD
< 10
Avoid / Max 25%
200 gm EOD
Clinical Updates in COVID-19: Hydroxychloroquine – Rheumatologist perspective (Dato’ Dr Gun Suk Chyn, HTJ, Seremban)
Decrease Day 2-5 dose to 50%
200 mg OD
Use with caution
< 10 or dialysis
Decrease Day 2-5 dose to 25%
200 gm EOD
ž Use with caution
ž Very weak evidence
ž Not dialyzable
Management of Patients on Dialysis and with Kidney Transplant during COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection (Italy: Brescia Renal Covid Task Force 2020)
200 mg BD
200 mg OD
< 15
200 gm EOD
Dialysis 2x/week
200 mg 3x/week
The Renal Drug Handbook 2009
Max 75% of dose
Use with caution
ž Slowly excreted via kidneys
ž Attempt to avoid prolonged use in renal failure
ž Doses from Seyffart – if certain reduced dose not practical, to try longer dose intervals
25-50% of dose
< 10
25-50% of dose
25-50% of dose
Not dialysed
25-50% of dose
Not dialysed
HDF / High flux
25-50% of dose
Unknown dialysability

Lopinavir / Ritonavir 200mg/50mg Tablet (Kaletra)
Lopinavir / Ritonavir 80mg/20mg per mL Solution (Kaletra)
Normal maintenance dose: 400mg/100mg ( 2 tabs of 200mg/50mg or 5 mL) BD
GFR (mL/min)
Dose Suggested
Lexicomp Apps
§  No dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer’s labeling (has not been studied). However, a decrease in clearance is not expected.
§  HD: Avoid once-daily dosing in hemodialysis patient.
Management of Patients on Dialysis and with Kidney Transplant during COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection (Italy: Brescia Renal Covid Task Force 2020)
No adjustments for renal function necessary in any circumstances
COVID-19 Drug Summary, Hospital Sungai Buloh [Revised
23 March 2020]
No renal / liver dose adjustment
The Renal Drug Handbook 2009
-   Lopinavir
-   Ritonavir
Dose as normal
Monitor closely
< 10
Dose as normal
Unlikely dialysed
HDF / High flux
Lopinavir: Unlikely dialysed
Ritonavir: Not dialysed
Kaletra® Product Leaflet [Revised April 2017]
Lopinavir pharmacokinetics have not been studied in patients with renal insufficiency.
However, since the renal clearance of lopinavir is negligible, a decrease in total body clearance is not expected in patients with renal insufficiency.
*Caution: Kaletra Syrup contains 42.4% ethanol and 15.3% ethylene glycol. Caution in renal impaired patient.

Ribavirin 200 mg Tablet (Copegus)
Normal maintenance dose: 1.2 g BD
GFR (mL/min)
Dose Suggested
COVID-19 Drug Summary, Hospital Sungai Buloh [Revised
23 March 2020]
Adjusted for COVID-19
No dose adj (1.2 g BD)
600 mg BD
< 20
200 mg TDS
200 mg TDS
1.2g BD
Lexicomp Apps

Based on indication: Hepatitis C

600 mg BD
§ According to the manufacturer, the dose of Copegus, Moderiba, and Ribasphere should not be further modified in patients with renal impairment.
§ If severe adverse reactions or laboratory abnormalities develop, it should be discontinued, if appropriate, until the adverse reactions resolve or decrease in severity.
§ If abnormalities persist after restarting, therapy should be discontinued.
§ Some experts recommend a lower starting dose of ribavirin, along with close monitoring of hemoglobin and hematocrit and use of erythropoietin therapy, in patients with eGFR <30 mL/minute/1.73 m2 or those on dialysis.
200mg/400mg  (EOD)
< 30
200 mg OD
ESRD need hemo-dialysis
200 mg OD
The Renal Drug Reference Guide (2008)

Based on indication: Hepatitis C

800-1200 mg/day in 2 divided doses
Titrate according to response and toxicity
Initially 400 mg/day
Then up to 800 mg/day
Initially 200 mg/day
Then up to 600 mg/day
< 10 or dialysis
Initially 200 mg/day
Then up to 600 mg/day (post-dialysis)
*** When extrapolate from the dosing of Hepatitis C to cover for COVID-19, it is suggested to at least double the dose.

Interferon beta-1b 250 mcg Injection (Betaferon)
Normal maintenance dose: 250 mcg EOD
GFR (mL/min)
Dose Suggested
Lexicomp Apps
There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer's labeling.
COVID-19 Drug Summary, Hospital Sungai Buloh [Revised
23 March 2020]
No renal / liver dose adjustment
The Renal Drug Handbook 2009
Dose as normal
Monitor renal function
ž Interferon is metabolised primarily in the kidney.
ž In patients undergoing HD, the interferon molecule may accumulate as
ž it is too large to be dialysed and will not undergo renal degradation. Hence, the dose may need to be adjusted.
< 10
Dose as normal
Use with caution due to risk of accumulation. Monitor renal function
Dose as GFR < 10 mL/min
Not dialysed
Not dialysed
HDF / High flux

Chloroquine 250 mg Tablet (Chloroquine Base 150 mg)
Normal maintenance dose: 500 mg BD
GFR (mL/min)
Dose Suggested
Lexicomp Apps
No dose adj needed
There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer’s labeling
Administer 50% dose
250 mg BD
HD or Peritoneal dialysis
Administer 50% dose
250 mg BD
No dose adj needed
The Renal Drug Reference Guide (2008)
Normal dose
Use with extra care if patient is renal / liver impaired
< 10 or Dialysis
50% normal dose (or double dose interval)
250 mg BD
COVID-19 Drug Summary, Hospital Sungai Buloh [Revised
23 March 2020]
Follow Lexicomp Apps as above
The Renal Drug Handbook 2009
Normal dose
Use with caution
ž Excretion is increased in alkaline urine
ž Caution in patients with renal or hepatic disease
< 10
50% of normal dose
50% of normal dose
Not dialysed
Not dialysed
HDF / High flux
Unknown dialysability

Please note that as all the drugs listed are off-label for COVID-19 treatment. None of the dosing suggestions are established for COVID-19. Most of the recommendations are extrapolation / adaptation of the current renal dosing available for other established indication(s), as well as case reports / trials. The author is not responsible for any loss / damage arises from the use of any data available in this chapter.

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